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New team member: Meet Youth Advisor Alicia O'Sullivan

28 Mar 2024

Joining the Youth Climate Justice team during her final year of her BCL degree, Alicia O’Sullivan brings a wealth of knowledge and experience around youth’s engagement in climate activism. She will be advising on our advisory board, in addition to assisting with breakdowns and analyses of climate cases! 

Alicia, a final-year undergraduate student pursuing her BCL Clinical Degree at UCC, embodies a remarkable journey marked by academic excellence and impactful activism. As a distinguished Quercus Scholar for Active Citizenship, Alicia's commitment to societal engagement has been evident throughout her academic tenure.

Hailing from Skibbereen in West Cork, Alicia's advocacy for environmental causes started at a young age. Her journey as an environmental activist has been multifaceted, marked by notable achievements and positions of leadership. From serving as the National Executive for Comhairle Na nOg, Ireland's Youth Council, to co-founding World War Zero alongside former US Secretary of State John Kerry, Alicia's dedication to effecting change has been unwavering. 

Her involvement as the Environmental and Sustainability Officer at UCCSU underscores her proactive approach towards fostering sustainable practices within academic institutions. While Alicia's initial focus revolved around climate action, her perspective has evolved towards advocating for climate justice and amplifying youth voices in meaningful ways. 

Alicia's advocacy efforts have extended beyond national borders, as demonstrated by her active participation in global forums such as COP26. Collaborating with UCC and World YMCA, Alicia has pushed the cause of Global South youth, advocating for greater representation and accessibility in climate discussions. Notably, her collaboration with Mary Robinson in lobbying for the establishment of Ireland's Youth Climate Justice Fund stands as a testament to her commitment to effecting tangible change on both local and international fronts. 

In her latest role as a UN Youth Delegate for Ireland, she has spoken at the United Nations on climate justice and gender-based violence, a homage to her own organisation Safety over Stigma which works to end Image Based Sexual Abuse. 

The Youth Climate Justice team is incredibly fortunate to have recruited Alicia during her final year of her BCL degree here at UCC to take on the role as ‘Youth Advisor’. In her role, she will advise on the Advisory Board and provide case breakdowns and analyses to populate our growing database on youth-led climate action in court rooms across the globe. 
