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Improving ecological literacy: New publication co-authored by Emily Murray

26 Feb 2024

PhD Researcher and team member Emily Murray publishes an innovative article in the Global Jurist with co-author Prof. Margherita Paola Poto on the importance of instilling a sustainability mindset through a reimagined legal education and research framework.

Prior to joining the Youth Climate Justice project, Emily spent a couple years learning from and collaborating with her colleague and friend, Prof. Margherita Paola Poto—an unexcepted connection that came through her Master’s program. Since then, Emily has been involved in several writing collaborations on climate governance, co-production of knowledge, and emotional and ecological education. 

"Achieving a Common Future for all Through Sustainability-Conscious Legal Education and Research Methods” reimagines legal education and research to foster a sustainability mindset and strengthen ecological literacy among its students, researchers and practitioners. The study organizes experiential and participatory research and education practices, developed through academic courses and research projects, in 3 thematic areas: ethically-informed practices, development of “response”-ability, and emotional awareness. 

In the face of the climate crisis and worsening environmental degradation, there is an urgent need for change—especially at the behavioural level. Strengthening relationships with and connection to nature by integrating knowledge around sustainability and ecology into legal education and research will shape future lawyers, policymakers and judges to make decisions with the environment in mind. 

Follow this link to access to full-text article: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/gj-2023-0122/html
