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UCC contributes to UNIC Mathematics Summer School, Zagreb

25 Jul 2024
Students and lecturers in Zagreb

Nine students and one lecturer from University College Cork participated in the UNIC Mathematics Summer School 2024, held in Zagreb, Croatia.

The summer school ran from 24-30 June in Zagreb, with additional online elements throughout June and July, and project work into August. The program was divided into three topics: elements of the theory of Hilbert spaces, constructive methods in spectral theory and algebraic geometry. 25 students in total took part from across five universities. 

Prof. Bernard Hanzon and Dr Spyridon Dendrinos and Dr Anca Mustata of the UCC School of Mathematics all contributed to the summer school, alongside colleagues from UNIC partners the University of Lodz, the University of Zagreb, Koç University Istanbul, and the University of Oulu. The full organising committee included Prof. Ivica Nakić, University of Zagreb; Dr Mine Çağlar, Koç University Istanbul; Dr Spyridon Dendrinos, University College Cork; Prof. Bernard Hanzon, University College Cork, Dr Aleksandra Orpel, University of Lodz; Dr Pekka Salmi, University of Oulu. 

The summer school proved an excellent opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge of key mathematics topics while meeting counterparts from across UNIC universities. The follow-up project due in August requires students to work together across universities on practical exercises, such as performing basic numerical simulations for the purposes of illustrating concepts or literature reviews.

UCC student Adrian Waldvogel (BSc Mathematical Sciences) said, "Zagreb is a wonderful city to have such a great course in. The classes were well-taught and lecturers showed a genuine interest in their respective topics. This week-long adventure is one I'll remember for years to come. Overall I would highly recommend an opportunity like this to anyone interested in the joys of mathematics." Dr Anca Mustata added, "It was a unique opportunity for the students, not only to learn about new topics and their applications - but also to discuss about the deeper meaning of mathematics and its role in today's world."

UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
