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RePIC Master's Programme: 2023 Deadline Extended for EU students

8 Aug 2023

The application deadline for Redesigning the Post-Industrial City MSc (RePIC) has been extended to August 31st 2023 for EU students.

RePIC is a full-time, immersive European postgraduate experience; students will live and study in up to three cities during the two-year programme. It is a unique opportunity to gain a joint master’s degree delivered by Ruhr- Universität Bochum (Germany)University College Cork (Ireland)Universidad de Deusto (Spain)Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (the Netherlands)Koç University (Turkey)Université de Liège (Belgium)University of Oulu (Finland), and University of Zagreb (Croatia).

Students will gain skills in urban design, urban planning and will delve deeply into the revitalisation of post-industrial cities. The programme will start in mid October 2023 at Ruhr University Bochum.

Erasmus Mundus funded scholarships are also now available for RePIC. Find out more about RePIC and apply: Redesigning the Post-Industrial City - Master’s programme (

For more on this story contact:


UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
