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CityLabs Lightning Bites - Agents of Intelligence: How AI is changing the way we work, teach and learn.  

23 Aug 2023
Happening On 11/09/2023

The CityLabs Lightning Bites series considers diverse perspectives on and cross-cutting implications of AI for learning - from literacy to ethics, from course design to skills development, from the future of work to the student experience today, from learning environments on campus to learning cities. 

Join us for a week of bite-size talks where we explore the challenges and opportunities ahead with AI, and ask what we can do now to help us navigate these transitions?


Mon September 11: 

12:30 - 13:00 IST Prof, Gilles Loupe, University of Liège: "AI Basics"

13:00 - 13.30 IST Michele Murgia, Erasmus University Rotterdam: "Better AI for Academia"


Tue September 12: 

12:30 - 13:00 IST Dr Jari Laru (Ph.D, M.Ed.), University of Oulu: "AI Literacy"

13:00 - 13.30 IST Dr Ferah Özer, Koç University: "Embedding ChatGPT"


Wed September 13: 

12:30 - 13:00 IST Dr Martina Phillippi, Paderborn University: "AI Ethics"

13:00 - 13:30 IST Open Discussion on AI, facilitated by University of Zagreb

Logos of Ruhr University Bochum, Koç University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Liège, Zagreb University



UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
