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Irish Doctors for the Environment

14 Jan 2020

Irish Doctors for the Environment is a group of doctors and medical students in the Irish Healthcare System who came together almost two years ago. We encompass a broad spectrum of specialities who all believe in one thing: environmental health is human health. We aim to create awareness, interest and implement action around environment health and the impact it has on our patients’ health.

The major medical journals: the Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine are in agreement-this is the consensus opinion of the medical community-climate change is real, and it is undoubtably the biggest issue to face us in the coming years. We must act, we must inform. Committing to this issue is arguably the single best use of our medical degrees and higher level training.



Dr Vincent Wall

Press Officer

Irish Doctors for the Environment


Dr Vincent Wall, an Spr in Anaesthesiology at CUH, will present on: A Climate Crisis is a Health Crisis at Medical Grand Rounds on the 29th of January in CUH. He is a member of Irish Doctors for the Environment.

Twitter:  @IrishDocsEnv
Instagram:  irishdocsenv

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
