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CUH does Cork on Ice

15 Jan 2020

On Saturday, the 14th of December, a brave group of anaesthetists from the Cork University Hospital Anaesthetic Department and their family members gathered at the “Cork on Ice” ice-rink. The more experienced of the group took time out from skating backwards to assist those who had never done battle with ice and gravity before. Having survived the session unharmed, the group retired to the café for hot chocolates and a debrief. There was an outbreak of “bunny ears” while the group photographs were being taken followed by a spontaneous round of applause for Dr Jemima Nilan  who had organised the outing.

The CUH Anaesthetic Department is one of the largest in the country and covers clinical areas across many clinical sites. We find that meeting in a non-clinical environment helps to foster teamwork and rewards the hard work of the members of the department. We have previously zip-lined and kayaked as a group, but this was the first time that our Department had organised an activity that included partners and children. It proved to be very successful, especially with the smaller people. A return trip is planned for January when new anaesthetists join us, and it is likely to become an annual event

Organisers: Dr Jemima Nilan (SAT 2), Dr Oonagh Hickey (Consultant Anaesthetist)

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
