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Coffee & a Beef

9 Jan 2020

On the 16th of December, members of the CUH Anaesthetic Department gathered for the last Coffee and a Gas session of the year. Dr Jan Brohan, Consultant Anaesthetist, brought spiced beef (a Cork Christmas delicacy) and many more brought in home baked foods. We had the largest attendance yet for one of the CUH coffee and a gas sessions, with two NCHD’s coming in from home specially for the occasion- one with home made brownies straight from the oven.


Dr Eoin O’Rathallaigh, SpR, was awarded with a selection box filled with vegetables and a cardboard bedpan reindeer created by his colleagues in recognition for his good-natured and heroic battle to have healthier food provided for the “Coffee and Gas” sessions (#healthylivesmattertoo). 

This is the first year that the CUH Anaesthetic Department has hosted monthly Coffee and a Gas sessions, and they have been a great success. They provide a great opportunity for members of the Department to meet and chat in a non-clinical environment, as well as injecting a sense of fun and anticipation into our daily working life. We are delighted that all members of the Department have embraced this concept and we are grateful for their ongoing enthusiastic involvement. Maybe pizza’s in January?  

Organisers: Dr Murray Connolly (SpR 5), Dr Oonagh Hickey, Dr Brian O'Donnell, Dr Niamh McAuliffe (Consultant Anaesthetists)

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
