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July newsletter

24 Jul 2024

This newsletter was first sent by email to the members of our Research Network. If you would like to be part of it, sign up here.


After months of preparation, which involved sorting through 400 applications from inspiring young people around the world, our project hosted the first online meeting with the Youth Advisory Team (YAT) at the beginning of July. The YAT is comprised of 12 young people (ages 8-17), all accomplished in environmental work. They are from various regions across the globe, including Nepal, Rwanda, Peru, Malaysia, Pakistan and Canada (among others), who will support our research team to ensure a children’s rights-based approach is taken; co-designing methodologies, materials, and outputs as the project develops. The first meeting involved emoji stories and introductions, an overview of the Youth Climate Justice project, and a group discussion on what ‘research’ really means. The meeting was full of enthusiasm and a clear sense of passion for children's rights and climate justice!


Our next online research forum will be on Monday, July 29th at 1 pm (GMT). Alicia O'Sullivan will be ‘in conversation’ with Prof. Aoife Daly about "Child/Youth Climate Action and the Relevance of Research." 

Alicia O’ Sullivan is a law graduate from UCC and Quercus Scholar Alumni. Ms O’ Sullivan has been an activist since a young age and has worked on climate action, youth participation and education. She is currently Irelands UN Youth Delegate and works on the Youth Climate Justice Project at UCC as a Youth Advisor.

Please confirm your attendance in advance through this form, and you will receive the link to access the meeting. 

The recording of our previous research forum with Prof. Elisa Morgera on "What is the role of the UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change and Human Rights in relation to children's human rights? is available here.


Youth plaintiffs in the Navahine v. Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation constitutional climate suit announced and celebrated a groundbreaking agreement resolving the case. In case you’ve missed it, you can read this article by Florencia Paz Landeira on our blog to know more about the case and its future implications. Also, this blog post in Hungarian at the blog of HUN-REN Institute for Legal Studies by Agnes Lux.

Juliana v. United States. On Friday, the 12th, the 9th Circuit denied the request from the Juliana plaintiffs for a rehearing en banc and to vacate. You can read more about this decision and stay updated on the next steps here.   

Held v. Montana. Montana Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Landmark Youth-Led Constitutional Climate Case Held v. State of Montana. On July 10, counsel for the youth plaintiffs argued before a panel of judges at the Montana Supreme Court to uphold Judge Seeley’s landmark ruling. The young plaintiffs argue that the state violates their constitutional right to a clean environment by continuing to support fossil fuel interests. Read more here.


Symposium: Strategic Litigation on Climate Equality (online)

This symposium brings together practitioners and scholars to exchange ideas, knowledge and strategic insights on the use of equality law in climate litigation. It is held in partnership with the Climate Litigation Network. Date: September 23-25, 2024. Register here.

Conference: Law and/in the Anthropocene

Paper/abstract submissions for the panels of the second conference of the Swiss Network for Law and Society (SNLS) “Law and/in the Anthropocene”, that will take place in Bern from 10th to 12th February 2025. Deadline: September 30th 2024. More info: 2nd conference of the Swiss Network for Law & Society (


Article: Leaders of change: Children and the climate change movement, by Beyza Karacaoğlu and Mehmet Fatih Akbaba.

Article: Child health prioritisation in national adaptation policies on climate change: a policy document analysis across 160 countries, by Kathrin E Zangerl, Katarina Hoernke, Marike Andreas, Sarah L Dalglish, Ilan Kelman, Maria Nilsson, Joacim Rockloev, Till Bärnighausen, Shannon A McMahon.

Article: Rewriting the climate story with youth climate justice activists, by Carlie D. Trott.

Article: Youth Work for People and Planet: Integrating Insights from Ecopedagogy into Youth Work by Trudi Cooper, Tim Corney and Jamie Gorman

Book: Emotional and Ecological Literacy for a More Sustainable Society. Edited by Emily Margaret Murray, Margherita Paola Poto and Giuliana Panieri. This open-access book looks at legal, scientific, cultural, and social dimensions of emotional and ecological literacy. Highlights of this book include:

  • “Ecological Literacy: Theory and Practice” by Emily Margaret Murray, Margherita Paola Poto and Laura Vita
  • “Holistic Learning, Emotional Well-Being, and Sustainable Development Action in LESPLAY (Learn, Speak, Play) by Gilbert Ajebe Akame

Guidance document: Children and Young People’s Participation in Climate Assemblies, by Katie Reid.

Literature Review: Transformative Climate Resilience Education for Children and Youth: From Climate Anxiety to Resilience, Creativity, Connection and Regeneration, by Christine Wamsler, Laureline Simon, Gwen Ducros and Gustav Osberg.

Project presentation: Co-Designing Young People’s Pathways to Net Zero Futures (NZFs), by the Young People’s Sustainable Futures Lab.

Report: First thematic report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change, Elisa Morgera. Available here.

Report: Climate Litigation in the Global South: Mapping Report, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law.
