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UNIC Teach the Teacher Training on Virtual Exchange

27 Nov 2023

‘Intercultural Dialogue: Collaborative Teaching and Learning in International Settings’

Join a UNIC Teacher Training online and develop international and intercultural competences.

In the workshop you will meet teachers of partner-universities of the UNIC alliance, which come from: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.
In this international setting you will familiarize with the concept of Virtual Exchange (resp. COIL), you will reflect on your own teaching culture and discover the learning and teaching culture of your partners. You will collaborate to create a Virtual Exchange setting for your students. You will create first ideas for fostering the collaboration of your students. You will discuss challenges of intercultural encounters and learn how to deal with them. You will have the chance to network with other teachers from the UNIC alliance.

The workshop will take place online and be held in English.

Active learning: Instruction, small group work, discussion


Option 1: 18th of September 2024, 16:00-18:30 CEST



Option 2: 13th, 15th, 22nd, 29th of May 2024, 16:00-17:30 CEST (attendance in all four dates required)



See an example of Virtual Exchange offered in UCC, the 'Dignified Spaces' module delivered with UNIC partners: Dignified Spaces: A UNIC Virtual Exchange Module (

For more on this story contact:

UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
