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Transnational Screens: Call for Contributions

19 Jun 2024

Dr Armida de la Garza (Digital Arts and Humanities, UCC) is a founding co-editor of the Routledge journal Transnational Screens. A special UNIC issue of the journal will be produced, featuring work on post-industrial cities in transition. 

Please see the call for contributions linked below. The editors are seeking contributions on any area of Transnational Screens (including but not restricted to: film and TV, streaming, games, mobile media, digital education etc) from academics in UNIC and/or other HEIs in the UNIC cities, that align with the following key thematic lines. 

  1. Contextualising Cultural Heritage: Exploring Digital innovation and Diverse Perspectives in Post-Industrial Cities.
  1. Deconstructing Superdiversity: Conceptualisations, Contestations and Challenges.
  2. Reimagining Urban Resilience: Participatory Frameworks and the Wise City.
  3. Confronting Systemic Inequalities: Justice, Security, and Institutional Reforms.
  4. Redefining Sustainability with Adaptability: Balancing Social, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions
  1. Innovating with Purpose: Aligning Teaching and Learning with Community Needs and Challenges

Editors are particularly interested in co-authored contributions by staff from two or more of the HEIs or cities in the UNIC network; contributions co-authored with students as partners (or community members); contributions related to Virtual Exchange, also known as Collaborative Online International Learning VE/COIL.

If you have any questions or queries please email Armida,
Call for contributions:  TRAC-UNIC Call for Contributions.

UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
