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Silvia Brandi Visits the University of Liège on Erasmus+ Staff Training

27 Mar 2024
Silvia with University of Liège colleagues: (L-R) Dominique Thewissen (Liège), Silvia Brandi (UCC), Catherine Vandeleene (Liège)

Dr Silvia Brandi, Quality Enhancement Advisor with the Quality Enhancement Unit at University College Cork, recently travelled to the University of Liège, Belgium, on an Erasmus+ staff training visit.

I found the visit to be a rewarding experience both professionally and personally. By shadowing colleagues in the corresponding quality enhancement and assurance unit, called SMAQ (i.e. Service de Management et d’Accompagnement de la Qualité), I had a great opportunity to become familiar with policies, procedures and practices that support the development of a comprehensive quality culture within the university.

Highlights of the visit were the insights on their long-established programme review process and also their currently ongoing institutional transition from an external statutory programme-based evaluation approach to a new faculty and institutional-based approach.   

Apart from quality-specific matters, the University of Liège, which is also a member of the UNIC European University Alliance of Post-Industrial Cities, appeared to have many commonalities with UCC, not only size-wise, but also in term of its values, having embraced a strong sustainability and Equality Diversity and Inclusion agenda. This seems to be a promising basis for strengthening the institutional ties and networking between the two higher education institutions.

Overall, it was really enjoyable and inspiring to visit another vibrant European institution and historical city, get to know a variety of academic and professional services colleagues, refresh French speaking skills, learn quality-specific lexicon in French and even participate at their internal meetings, including some with the Belgian national quality agency (AEQES).

UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
