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OVPLT News & Events

Welcome to the latest edition of the OVPLT eNewsletter.

1 Jun 2022
Ukrainian students welcomed to UCC

In this edition we celebrate the achievements of the awardees of the President’s excellence in Teaching Awards and hear from some of the successful nominees.

We also were proud to have two members of the OVPLT team recognised in the Staff Recognition Awards and we are delighted to extend Congratulations to the eleven graduates of the MA in Teaching and Learning in Higher
Education. Recently, the University paid tribute to the many contributions that Professor Áine Hyland has made to
Education by naming a room after her in the Student Hub.
As always there are many new courses under development and this edition brings you news of new programmes in the Language Centre, opportunities for our students with the Skills Centre, new courses from Adult Continuing Education and opportunities and support for staff are always available from the Centre for Digital Education.
We hope you enjoy reading the newsletter and welcome any comments or submissions for the next newsletter.

OVPLT eNewsletter May 2022

Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
