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UCC has named a room (formerly G12) in Hub as the "Áine Hyland Room" in recognition of Áine's significant contribution to the advancement of Irish education at all levels including HE.

1 Jun 2022
Professor Aine Hyland with current and former VPs for Learning and Teaching

Áine Hyland, Emeritus Professor of Education and former Vice-President of UCC, has been one of the most influential figures in Irish education over the past 50 years.

Áine earned her PhD in Trinity College Dublin and after serving initially as a civil servant in the Department of Education she later worked as Admissions Officer in Carysfort College, Senior Lecturer in University College Dublin (UCD), Professor and Chair of Education at University College Cork (UCC) from 1993 until 2006, and Vice-President of UCC from 1999 to 2006.


Together with a number of colleagues at UCC, she set up Ionad Bairre – the Centre for Teaching and Learning – afterwards renamed CIRTL - the Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. In the early 2000s, she introduced the President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching as well as the Certificate, Diploma and Masters in Teaching and Learning. She was a strong advocate for recognising teaching as a form of scholarship and for ensuring that there was parity of esteem in UCC's strategies and policies for teaching and research.

"Áine has made an immense contribution to both UCC and to learning at all levels. We hope through this recognition in the heart of our campus that future generations will be inspired to follow her wonderful impact on Irish education" commented Professor Paul McSweeney, Vice-President for Learning and Teaching. 

A founding member of the Dalkey School Project, the State’s first state aided Educate Together primary school, in 1978, Áine has been a member of various education boards and commissions in Ireland and internationally, and has published widely on various aspects of education including teacher education and equity of access and participation. A recipient of several honorary doctorates in recognition of her impact on all levels of Irish education, she is since 2018 a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, Ireland's highest academic honour. Since her retirement in 2006, she has continued to be actively involved in educational activities both in Ireland and abroad.

Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
