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Recommendations for Promoting a Performative Teaching, Learning and Research Culture in Higher Education

8 May 2019
The Arts as a Model for Higher Education - Recommendations from the 6th Scenario Forum Symposium

The 6th Scenario Forum Symposium was hosted by the University of Hanover in September 2018. The Symposium brought together colleagues from different academic disciplines to discuss – and experience – how performative approaches to teaching and learning can be applied in a range of third-level contexts. In this article Professor Manfred Schewe, Department of German shares the recommendations for promoting a Performative Teaching, Learning and Research Culture in Higher Education. 

There was a strong consensus among Symposium participants that the arts are a particularly rich source of inspiration for teachers and researchers in all academic disciplines. It was felt that the dominant role of business and science in higher education needed to be reviewed, and a strong case was made for The Arts as a Model for Higher Education.

The recommendations state:

“Many challenges of the 21st century (see the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN) require creative solutions. Creativity is, however, not yet sufficiently promoted at universities, thus an artistic reorientation in teaching and research is imperative.” 

The recommendations have already been published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik (DGHD), the equivalent of Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, and will also be published in journals and distributed via various professional networks in the weeks and months to come.

Universities from abroad increasingly develop an interest in the UCC-based Scenario Project and its vision of ‘Going Performative in Higher Education’, including the following which have expressed an interest to host a Scenario Forum Symposium at their institution (Université Paris-Est Créteil, 2020; University of Berkeley, 2021; Free University of Berlin, Mugla University, Turkey).

For further reading on this topic


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