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OVPLT News & Events

National Forum to give an information session for staff

8 Apr 2019
Exploring National Forum opportunities for staff - sharing and listening

Alison Farrell, Senior Lead for Sectoral Engagement with the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (‘the National Forum’) will give an information session for staff on 17 April at 1pm-2pm in O’Rahilly Building, room 255:

The information session entitled 

“Exploring National Forum opportunities for staff - sharing and listening”

 participants will:

  • learn about the National Forum's strategic themes 2019-2021
  • hear about opportunities for staff through National Forum initiatives
  • be invited to share their ideas about the work of the National Forum

All staff welcome.  Registration not required.  Tea/coffee and a light lunch will be available at the venue from 12.45pm for attendees.   

The National Forum is the national body responsible for leading and advising on the enhancement of teaching and learning in Irish higher education.  It issues regular funding calls for conference sponsorships, seminars and large-scale projects, and issues many resources and publications.   It is currently, in partnership with the USI, recruiting a panel of paid student interns, details of which can be found here

National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

For more on this story contact:

For any queries on this event, please contact

Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
