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OVPLT News & Events

CIRTL and OVPLT host a series of online Learning & Teaching Research Showcase events.

7 May 2021
Learning Enhancement @ UCC: Enhancing Student Success Showcase

The Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) and the Office of the Vice President for Learning and Teaching are delighted to host a series of online Learning & Teaching Research Showcase events. These online showcases will take place across all Fridays in May 2021, with the second event taking place on Friday 14th May 11am-12pm.

Week 2 will explore the theme of “Enhancing Student Success”. The showcase will present the work of colleagues supported by the National Forum’s Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (SATLE) fund 2019, followed by an open Q&A session.


Please register for the event here (opens in a new browser window). The link to the event will be circulated after registration. Details of subsequent events will also be circulated via email.

For more on this story contact:

Dr Laura Lee | Research Manager | Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL)


Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
