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OVPLT News & Events

Applications for the Online Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2021/2022 are now open!

5 May 2021
Online Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning

The Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning is delivered fully online via Canvas and is free for UCC staff members.

Offers for the first round of applicants via the CRM recruit system will close on 2nd August, 2021.

An information session regarding the programme will place via MS Teams on Tuesday 18th May, 12pm - 1pm. To reserve your place at the info session please complete this registration formOnce you have registered, we will send you a link to join the live session. Don't worry if you can't attend: the information session will be recorded. 

For more on this story contact:

For any other queries please contact the Program Co-ordinator, Dr. Briony Supple:

Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
