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The Body in Catalan Visual Culture. Action Art, Performance, Dance, Cinema and Plastic and Visual Arts

4 Sep 2013

Action Art, Performance, Dance, Cinema and Plastic
and Visual Arts

 Conference Organiser:
Eva Bru-Domínguez

This three-day interdisciplinary conference seeks to foster dialogue between artists, curators, art critics, researchers and audiences about questions of embodiment, performance and body-representation across centuries of Catalan visual and performance art.

Guest Speakers and Artists:

Pilar Parcerisas art critic, curator and scriptwriter. Executive Board Member of the Consell Nacional de la Cultura i les Arts (CoNCA)

Marcel·lí Antúnez  performance artist

Eulàlia Valldosera visual artist

Pere Salabert  Chair of Aesthetics and Art Theory, Universitat de Barcelona

@uccsplas Research
