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Research Symposium in Mexican and Mexican-American Studies – Pathways, Explorations, Approaches

4 Jun 2014

4-5 June, 2014  

Research Symposium in Mexican and Mexican-American Studies

Pathways, Explorations, Approaches


This symposium invited participation from scholars working both in the area traditionally constituted as Mexican Studies and also in the area of Mexican-American and/or Chicano Studies. Its focus was deliberately expansive and the Irish Centre for Mexican Studies welcomed panel proposals that illuminated approaches to, explorations of and pathways through these rich multidisciplinary fields that are underpinned by work in both the social sciences and humanities.  The symposium aimed to showcase research into Mexican and Mexican-American Studies as conceptualised, studied and taught in the academy. The symposium provided the opportunity to debate and discuss scholarly research and inquiry on Mexico from a diverse range of disciplinary perspectives. Interventions in the areas of cultural studies, literatures, art, theatre and performance, history, political science, anthropology, sociology and digital humanities were welcome. Papers that problematise area studies’ approaches or that chronicle the issues facing inter- or multi-disciplinary research will be particularly welcome.


Full Programme


University College Cork

Centre for Mexican Studies

Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies


CACSSS Seminar Room, G27

O’ Rahilly Building

4th and 5th June, 2014

Day 1 (4th June)

9:00-9:30 am

Registration and welcome


9:30-11:00 am

Panel 1: Contemporary Approaches to Culture, Violence, Power in Mexico

Chair: Ana Cruz Garcia


Jean-Philippe Imbert, Dublin City University

Imagining Slaughter: Paul Owen Imaging Gender


María de Los Angeles Lara-Jaen, Dublin City University

Femicide in Juárez: Killing the Silence Through the Arts


Emer Clifford, University College Cork

Yamina del Real: Lost and Uninhabited Bodies


11:00-11:30 am

Coffee in Social Area, First Floor Block B, O’Rahilly Building


11:30-1:00 pm

Panel 2: Aesthetics and Politics in Mexican and Mexican American Literature

Chair: Stephen Boyd


Donna Alexander, Centre for Mexican Studies, University College Cork

“Long Poems as Big Poems”: Lorna Dee Cervantes’s Approaches to DocuPoetry


Mila López-Peláez Casellas, University of Coventry

‘Racial Identity and False Abolitionism in Early Chicana and Afro-American Narratives’


Sheldon Penn, University of Leicester

The aesthetic of creative evolution in Alfonso Reyes’s Visión de Anáhuac [1519] (1917)


1:00-2:00 pm

Lunch Social Area, First Floor, Block B, O’Rahilly Building


2:00-3:00 pm

Keynote address

Diálogo con Yamina del Real

Moderator: Nuala Finnegan


3:15-5:15 pm

Panel 3: Video Conference Link with Department of History, Universidad de Guadalajara


Norma Aide Macias Moya, estudiante de la Maestría en Investigación Educativa and Centre for Mexican Studies, University College Cork

La casa de recogidas de Guadalajara (1747-1829). Instrucción, disciplina y protección


Cristina Paloma Verea, Profesora e investigadora en el Departamento de Estudios en Educación,

Las mujeres recluidas en el Centro Penitenciario del Estado de Jalisco y los procesos de instrucción


Luciano Oropeza Sandoval, Profesor e investigador en el Departamento de Estudios en Educación,

La segunda oleada de mujeres profesionistas en el Estado de Jalisco


María Guadalupe García Alcaraz, Profesora e investigadora en el Departamento de Estudios en Educación

La formación de profesoras en Guadalajara a finales del siglo XIX: el proyecto oficial y protestante


6:00 pm


Poetry Reading and Reception (sponsored by Corona)

Lorna Dee Cervantes, Sueño (Wings Press)

Introduced by poet, Matthew Sweeney

Cork Vision Centre, North Main Street, Cork City.


Day 2 (5th June)


9:15-10:15 am


Keynote Lecture

Chair: Nuala Finnegan


Mark Millington, University of Nottingham

The politics of self-representation in the autobiography of José Vasconcelos


10:15-11:45 am

Panel 4: Chicano Narrative: Race, Identity, Performance

Chair: Cara Levey


Thea Pitman, University of Leeds

Mestiz@Cyborgs: The Performance of Latin(o) American-ness as (Critical) Radical Identity’


Niamh McNamara, Centre for Mexican Studies, University College Cork

Exploring the senses in the novel Their Dogs Came With Them by Helena María Viramontes


Eilidh A B Hall, University of East Anglia

‘’Honk, says the cars at home, here they say tán-tán-tán.’’: The mestizaje of language and identity in Sandra Cisneros


11:45-12:00 pm

Coffee in Social Area, First Floor Block B, O’Rahilly Building


12:00-1:30 pm

Panel 5: Race, Gender and Politics: Historical Approaches

Chair: Niamh MacNamara


Kristine Byron, Michigan State University

New Perspectives on Gender and the Mexican Revolution


Cian Warfield, Centre for Mexican Studies, University College Cork

The Zapatista movement: an impossible dream or a reality in the making?


María de Lourdes Salazar Martinez, University of Manchester

 ‘En la jaula de oro.’ Are Mexican tobacco farm workers a structural necessity?


1:30-2:15 pm

Lunch in Social Area, First Floor Block B, O’Rahilly Building


2:15-3:15 pm

Keynote Address

Chair: Helena Buffery


Lorna Dee Cervantes

It’s Not The Meat, It’s the Motion: On Race, Class, Culture and The Big G In The New World; From Conquest To The New Cognition


3:15-5:15 pm

Panel 6: Identities and Social Narratives in Mexican Cultural Production

Chair: Emer Clifford


Jennifer Wood, National University of Ireland, Galway

Hugo Salcedo’s Humanising Snapshots of Mexico’s Drug Wars


Dr. Yolanda Reyes, University College Dublin

Under the Same Moon’’: under the same Mexican Cinematic role of Motherhood?


Jennie Galvin, National University of Ireland Galway

“El Movimiento Alterado”: Representing and ‘Packaging’ Female Sexuality?


Ivan Kenny, National University of Ireland Galway

Identity, Religion and Ritual in the Works of Juan Rulfo and Luis Buñuel


5:15-5:30 pm

Closing remarks with

His Excellency, Carlos García de Alba, Ambassador of Mexico in Ireland

Nuala Finnegan, Director, Centre for Mexican Studies, UCC

Jean-Philippe Imbert, Chair Irish Association of Mexican Studies


6 pm Exhibition Opening, Cork Vision Centre


MEXICORK: Perspectives on/from MEXICO


Exhibition of Sculpture, Art and Photography by Artists: Esther Guinzberg, Yamina del Real, Brian Maguire, Cora Murphy,  Daniel Weinstock, Urszula Navrot, Oweena Fogarty




More details can be found on our website:


@uccsplas Research
