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Poetry Translation Events with Clyde Moneyhun

19 Mar 2024
Happening On 19/03/2024

Clyde Moneyhun translates contemporary Catalan-language poetry and has published translations of Ponç Pons (El salobre/Salt, 2017), Dolors Miquel (Haikús del camioner/Truck Driver Haikus, 2019), and Anna Dodas i Noguer (El volcà/The Volcano, 2022).  His translation of Bruixa de dol/Witch in Mourning by Maria-Mercè Marçal appeared in 2023. His current project is an anthology of the 20th century Catalan-language poets Maria Antònia Salvà, Caterina Albert, Rosa Leveroni, Clementina Arderiu, and Maria-Mercè Marçal.  A descendant of Menorcan immigrants to the United States, he maintains a residence in Maó.  He teaches writing and literary translation at Boise State University in Idaho.

For more on this story contact:

Helena Buffery -

@uccsplas Research
