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New Research Trends in Galician Studies': A Half-Day Symposium

27 Sep 2019

27 September 2019


2:50-3:00 Welcome and Introduction

Martín Veiga (Director, Irish Centre for Galician Studies)

3:00-3:45 Elisa Serra Porteiro (University College Cork)

‘Making history: trope, anecdote and myth in the framing of Irish drama in Galicia’

3:45-4:15 Coffee Break

4:15-5:00 Pablo García Martínez (CUNY New York)

‘Confluences on the Printed Page: Remapping Galician Republican Exile’

5:00-5:45 Lorena López López (Prifysgol Bangor/Bangor University)

‘The margins of Galician women’s writing: the unspeakable nation in the fiction of Margarita Ledo Andión and Patricia A. Janeiro’

5:45 Close and Reception

@uccsplas Research
