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2018 SILAS Annual Lecture by Her Excellency the Ambassador Carmen Mc Evoy Carreras, Embassador of Peru in Ireland

11 Oct 2018


On the 11th of October 2018 the Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies Department hosted the Annual SILAS Lecture. On this occasion we had the honour of listening to her Excellency the Ambassador Carmen Mc Evoy Carreras, Embassador of Peru in Ireland. Mc Evoy Carreras is a renowned Peruvian historian, expert on 19th century Peru and Chile and has written extensively on these subjects. She won the prestigious John Simon Guggenheim fellowship (2002) and the Gold Medal from Municipalidad de Lima (2011). Her Irish great-grandparents, Thomas Mc Evoy and Martha Feeley, came to Peru during the Great Famine. Her lecture is entitled Yma Sumac and Moisés Vivanco: Between myth and history, and will take place on the 11th of October at 1PM at CACSSS Seminar Room, UCC.

@uccsplas Research
