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If I knew then what I know now

There's Always Another Path

18 Jan 2024

Hi, my name is Elliott and I’m one of the new postgrad tutors in the Skills Centre. I’m doing a Higher Diploma in Applied Psychology, and my undergraduate degree was in Social Science. I’ve learnt a lot (apart from course content) during my time so fair in UCC, and I’d like to share it. 

There's always another path: 

The most important thing I know now that I didn’t know when I started UCC, is that there are so many different pathways to your dream career. I got my second choice in the CAO, but it opened up so many doors for me in terms of gaining voluntary experience, which is just as important as academia.  This is what helped me to be able to enter the course I'm in now, Psychology, which was my top choice, and gives me a wider perspective on topics that I wouldn't have had as a direct entry student, improving my academic work.  


It's not just academics: 

The other thing (and I’m not biased I swear) is to join societies! Societies are the reason I feel at home in UCC. Its important to have friends both in and outside of your course, and this is one way of doing so. You can also gain so many relevant skills for the workplace, boosting what you learn in your course.  


Study your own way: 

While it is important to study, you have to find a method that works for you. Studying in the library always added pressure for me as everyone there is working intensely, so I'd study in the hub instead.  


Starting a study session can feel daunting, and procrastination doesn't help. To make the transition smoother, I always start with watching a video on the topic, before going to read a paper as it can give you a brief understanding, but also feels like a middle ground between relaxing and studying.  


There can be a lot of talk about getting assignments finished early, and comparisons between classmates. Don't let this get you down, as an essay written the day before can be as good as or better than an essay submitted the week before. Go at your own pace while ensuring to meet the deadlines.  


Best of luck, hope this helps!

Skills Centre

Q -1 (Q minus 1), Boole Library,
