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If I knew then what I know now

Make the Most of Campus

18 Jan 2024

My name is Amy Louise, and I am a second year Applied Psychology student at UCC. Looking back, there are so many things that I wish I knew as a first year to make my introduction to university easier!

The Assignment Calculator 

One of the main things I use now, that I wish I had used in first year, was the Assignment Calculator set up by the Skills Centre. Time management is an essential skills once you get to university, and this is just one of the many ways to help you with this skill. The assignment calculator allows you to enter in the start and due date of your assignment, as well as the assignment type, will break it down it to more achievable feeling stages and provide you with deadlines to work with along the way. For example, the main steps for an essay would be as follows: 

  • Select your topic & understand your question 
  • Plan your research & investigate 
  • Organise & refine 
  • Update your plan & develop the structure 
  • Write the first draft 
  • Refine, rewrite and revise 
  • Proofread & polish 

These steps, along with the deadlines the calculator gives you can allow you to break down a daunting essay into achievable parts. This resource has helped me immensely this year and has also reduced my stress around large assignments! 


Make the Most of Campus 

In first year, many students go to the same few places on campus that they are familiar with. However sometimes studying in the same place over and over again can feel repetitive. Don’t be afraid to explore different spaces around campus and find your favourite spot! The Hub is a great option for those wanting to get out of the library but stay on main campus, with all different kinds of seating options to study alone or with friends. You can even book rooms with your friends to study and plan projects together.  

Student IT also have several Open Access computer labs scattered across the different campuses, not just in the Boole Library. There are computer labs available to all students in these locations: 

  • Boole Library 
  • Boole Basement 
  • Kane Building 
  • Connolly Building 
  • Enterprise Centre 
  • Brookfield Library 
  • Western Gateway Building. 

Don’t be afraid to make the most of other areas around campus, such as the Elements Café in the Kane Building, the Coffee Dock in the ORB, and the Bio Café in the Biosciences building! 

Knowing your campus, can truly make you feel part of a community in UCC, and it can also allow you to keep your study environment becoming boring! 


Hopefully these tips can make your university life a little bit easier! Best of luck! 

Skills Centre

Q -1 (Q minus 1), Boole Library,
