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News 2023

Stalking victims count cost in new first of its kind UCC study

21 Mar 2023
Photo (L-R): Dr Catherine O’Sullivan, Vice Dean of Learning, Teaching, Curriculum, School of Law, and Dr Ciara Staunton, Academic Operations Manager, Adult Continuing Education, UCC, release book titled: ‘Stalking and Harassment’: An Investigation of Experiences in Ireland’. Photo By Tomas Tyner, UCC.

The first Irish study of those who have been stalked and/or harassed is published today (Tuesday 21 March) and reveals the social, financial and psychological impact upon those who experienced it, while urging a number of recommendations.

UCC Research

Aistriú Taighde

Office of Vice President for Research & Innovation, 4th Floor, Block E, Food Science Building University College Cork, T12 K8AF
