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New Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub launched

12 Jan 2023

University College Cork (UCC) today officially launched its new Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub in 1-4 Brighton Villas, Western Road.

The Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub brings together in one place, a range of supports which promote the mental health & wellbeing of our students. In addition to enabling the Student Counselling & Development team to be located together for the first time, it also facilitates the co-location of the psychiatrist, occupational therapy, the student wellbeing coordinator, mental health nurses with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy training, a case coordinator and the Head of Student Health. This will ensure a more integrated approach to supporting student mental health & wellbeing and will allow for new and innovative services to be developed going forward.

Speaking at the launch, Professor Stephen Byrne, Deputy President & Registrar outlined that “the new Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub is a tangible expression of UCC’s commitment not only to student mental health & wellbeing but to student success. As Deputy President & Registrar, and as Chair of the University Space Committee, I was happy to support and champion this project, particularly as I saw it as an opportunity to advance our exciting vision for Student Mental Health & Wellbeing in UCC as outlined in our Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy.”

The opening of the new Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub is reflective of UCC’s commitment to the holistic education and development of its students. Supporting and enabling the health, mental health and wellbeing of our students is an integral part of student success in UCC.

UCC’s Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy was launched in October 2021 by Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD, and aims to create a needs-led integrated support structure across campus and externally, to offer students the right care, in the right place, at the right time.  At the Strategy launch, Minister Harris commented; “With increased numbers of students attending third level institutions and a more diverse student body, it is crucial Student Mental Health and Wellbeing are prioritised and championed. Students are one of the highest risk groups of the population when it comes to developing a Mental Health condition and the COVID pandemic is predicted to exacerbate this issue”.

One of the priorities of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy is to coordinate existing resources, diversify the range of supports for students and increase capacity by appointing additional student counselling and other mental health resources.

Professor Byrne congratulated Paul Moriarty, Director of Student Experience, and all who worked to make this vision a reality.  Paul Moriarty took the opportunity to thank Fiona Kennedy, Head of Student Counselling & Development, George Nagle and the Student Counselling team, Dr. Michael Byrne, Head of Student Health and the Student Health team.  The Students’ Union were recognised as key stakeholders in the project and it was noted that their support had been essential in the design and delivery of the space.  Thanks were also given to Mark Poland, Niamh McGettrick, Paul Williams and all the team in Buildings & Estates for their work.

Asha Woodhouse, President, UCC Students’ Union, speaking at the launch said “UCC Students’ Union are delighted to see the Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub be launched in UCC today. This innovative and forward thinking Wellbeing Hub will see a more holistic provision of mental health services to students in UCC. Universities are uniquely placed to provide early intervention in mental health amongst a largely young population of students, care which can be life changing for many students.” 

Leas-Uachtarán agus Cláraitheoir/ Deputy President & Registrar

First Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC, T12 YN60
