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‘New Connections: The Impact’ Conference

13 Jan 2023

UCC Deputy President and Registrar Professor Stephen Byrne, opened the event ‘New Connections: The Impact’ Conference held on Friday the 13th of January 2023. Minister Michael McGrath TD was the guest of honour at the event where some of the country’s most promising researchers showcased their initiatives and achievements.  The conference celebrated scientific collaboration in University College Cork (UCC).

Last year, the College of Science, Engineering, and Food Science (SEFS) funded 41 ‘New Connections’ projects to help initiate research collaborations.  The conference heard updates from some of those awarded funding.

Those awarded New Connections funding include research projects on:

  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • The role of heavy metal toxicity in driving past extinction events
  • Using mathematical sciences to provide industry solutions
  • Enabling technologies for future 5G+/6G networks
  • Sustainable, Healthy & Liveable Future Cities
  • Capturing fine motor movements associated with the dying art of handwriting
  • The sustainable production of highly nutritional foods
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Maternal and paediatric nutrition, particularly understanding the profile of breastmilk

UCC Deputy President and Registrar Professor Stephen Byrne, who opened the event said:

“As we have identified through the UCC Futures campaign, the complexity of the global sustainability challenge requires experts from multiple disciplines and sectors to collaborate in new and reimagined ways. Initiatives such as New Connections build on UCC's existing expertise through a holistic, interdisciplinary approach that drives innovation, leading to ground-breaking new discoveries.”

Head of College, Science, Engineering and Food Science Professor Sarah Culloty said:

"Collaboration is the engine that drives innovation and creativity, and it is of key importance to our research ecosystem. The New Connections initiative has provided a catalyst for our academics to transform the way they approach their research and will lead to exciting new discoveries".

Minister for Finance Michael McGrath TD said:

“UCC provides a valuable knowledge base and talent pipeline both for industry and for the research that addresses the key challenges that we face as a society – from the food we consume, to the way we live, and how we confront climate change.  I am delighted to come to UCC to hear of the exciting collaborations supported by the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science, and commend all at SEFS for their ongoing endeavours.”

Leas-Uachtarán agus Cláraitheoir/ Deputy President & Registrar

First Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC, T12 YN60
