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The Healthy Ireland Survey 2022

5 Dec 2022
The Healthy Ireland Survey forms a core element of the Healthy Ireland Framework and subsequent Healthy Ireland Strategic Action Plan

The Healthy Ireland Survey is an interviewer-administered survey of health and health behaviours of people living in Ireland, commissioned by the Department of Health and carried out by Ipsos.

This important survey is available to read by clicking on the following link.

Healthy Ireland Survey 2022

Since its inception in 2015 six waves of the survey have been completed.

Each wave involves a sample of approximately 7,500 individuals representative of the population aged 15 and older. The first five waves (from 2015 to 2019) were completed using face-to-face interviews, and the two most recent waves (2021 and 2022) were completed using telephone to ensure optimal infection control during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to the necessary public health restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic it was not possible to complete the 2020 survey. 

Fieldwork for the 2022 survey took place between November 2021 and July 2022.


The Healthy Ireland Survey forms a core element of the Healthy Ireland Framework and subsequent Healthy Ireland Strategic Action Plan, in providing a significant part of the research, monitoring and evaluation required to assess the impact of policy implementation. 

The objectives of the Healthy Ireland Survey are to:

•Provide and report on current and credible data in order to enhance the monitoring and assessment of the various policy initiatives under the Framework

• Support and enhance Ireland’s ability to meet many of its international reporting obligations

• Feed into the Outcomes Framework for Healthy Ireland and contribute to assessing, monitoring and realising the benefits of the overall health reform strategy

• Allow targeted monitoring where necessary, with an outcomes-focused approach, leading to enhanced responsiveness and agility from a policy-making perspective

• Support the Department of Health in ongoing engagement and awareness-raising activities in the various policy areas and support better understanding of policy priorities

School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
