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SPH News - Autumn 2022

13 Dec 2022

Welcome to the Autumn 2022 issue of SPH News, where we share the latest achievements and updates on the activities undertaken in the School and beyond, during the last quarter of 2022.

To read our latest newsletter, click SPH News - Autumn 2022


These include collaborations at the international level, between University College Cork's School of Public Health (SPH) and the World Health Organization.

This issue also contains news on events organised in the School, in particular, the successful Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Festival organised by PPI Ignite Network@ UCC in October, conferences attended by our researchers, updates from the National Suicide Research Foundation, as well as awards, new graduates, new staff, and new publications.

To share achievements in relation to Teaching and Learning, in this issue you will also find a new section entitled “Teaching Highlights”. This issue also introduces the SPH Civic and Community Engagement Committee.

We hope you enjoy reading SPH News. 

Season's Greetings to all and Best Wishes for 2023.

Dr Ana Contreras Navarro

Editor SPH News

School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
