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Healthcare professionals and students’ knowledge on termination of pregnancy legislation and clinical practice: a systematic review

There is a widespread lack of knowledge of Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) legislation and clinical practice from healthcare students and staff, internationally. TOP training and education are still needed to ensure adequate care and high-quality TOP services.

Sara Leitao, Eimear O'Shaughnessy, Indra San Lázaro Campillo, Keelin O'Donoghue
Journal Name
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare
Journal Article
Awareness / Knowledge, Termination of pregnancy
TOP knowledge & services
Full Citation
Leitao S, O'Shaughnessy E, San Lazaro Campillo I, O'Donoghue K. Healthcare professionals and students’ knowledge on termination of pregnancy legislation and clinical practice: a systematic review. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare. 2022;33:100762100762.
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Legal and safe termination of pregnancy (TOP) has long been recognised as an important public health issue internationally. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) and students have a key role within TOP services, and it is crucial that they have sufficient understanding of laws, guidelines and clinical practice to facilitate safe and effective care. Our systematic review aimed to study the level of knowledge of both HCPs and students on TOP legislation, methods and procedures and potential associated complications. Studies published until July 2020 were searched. After through screening and selection, 31 studies (qualitative and quantitative) were included. We completed a narrative review and synthesis of the findings. Poor knowledge on TOP legislation and clinical practice was found. HCPs and students had limited awareness of specific circumstances for legal TOP and poor understanding of methods and medical practices recommended. Education/training, experience in TOP care and receiving legislation reminders contributed to increased levels of knowledge. This study highlights the importance of involving and promoting participation of HCPs and students in the provision of TOP services. A clear need and desire for staff education and training on TOP was shown. Adequate training allows preparation of current and future HCPs to provide respectful and compassionate care.

Pregnancy Loss Research Group

Pregnancy Loss Research Group, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University College Cork, Fifth Floor, Cork University Maternity Hospital, Wilton, Cork, T12 YE02, Ireland,
