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The experiences of men following recurrent miscarriage in an Irish tertiary hospital: A qualitative analysis

Recurrent miscarriage is a deeply emotional experience for men who describe frustration with lack of support and feeling unimportant when their partners experienced recurrent miscarriage. Dedicated support and improved information is required.

Tommy Harty, Maria Trench, Keelin O'Donoghue, Daniel Nuzum
Journal Name
Health Expectations
Journal Article
Experience, Recurrent miscarriage
Full Citation
Harty T, Trench M, Keegan O, O'Donoghue K, Nuzum D. The experiences of men following recurrent miscarriage in an Irish tertiary hospital: A qualitative analysis. Health Expectations. 2022;25:1048- 1057.
Link to Publication


Miscarriage is the most common adverse complication of pregnancy. Recurrent miscarriage is two or more successive miscarriages. The impact of recurrent miscarriage on women is well known; the impact on men is less well known. This study sought to research the impact of recurrent miscarriage on men whose partners had two or more successive miscarriages in an Irish maternity hospital. Five men participated in the study. Three main themes from the study were: the deeply emotional experiences of miscarriage for men; Frustrations experienced during the provision of support following recurrent miscarriage; a sense of feeling unimportant. The results of this study highlighted that the supports required by men are similar to those required by women and that improved information and support services are required for men following recurrent miscarriage.

Pregnancy Loss Research Group

Pregnancy Loss Research Group, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University College Cork, Fifth Floor, Cork University Maternity Hospital, Wilton, Cork, T12 YE02, Ireland,
