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Radiated tortoise

1 Jan 2022
Radiated tortoise (Ashley Bennison)

This stunning specimen is the radiated tortoise Astrochelys radiata, so named for the lines emanating from the star-patterned shell. This tortoise is found in the spiny forests of southern Madagascar, where it is known as ‘Sokatra’.

This species was historically abundant but unfortunately it is now considered critically endangered on the IUCN Red List, primarily due to heavy poaching (for consumption and international trade) and habitat loss. In the central part of the tortoise’s range consumption is considered ‘fady’ or taboo, but not so elsewhere. Management of this species is difficult. It is listed on CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, Appendix 1), thereby prohibiting all trade, however this has driven the market underground resulting in illegal poaching. There are also suggestions that the fady is breaking down. Effective and creative management is needed to preserve the tortoise and respect local cultural traditions.

UCC Natural Collections
