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1 Jan 2022
Otter (Ashley Bennison)

The European otter Lutra lutra holds a special place in the UCC museum, as these engaging creatures may often be seen from the banks of the River Lee along the Cork otter trail.

Otters are mainly crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dusk and dawn, with their highly sensitive whiskers aiding foraging in muddy waters. Surveying otters can be difficult so researchers often conduct surveys of spraints (otter faeces) to detect changes in populations.  Their diet is mostly comprised of fish, but they are also opportunistic and will eat frogs, birds, crayfish and even some small mammals.  Otters can breed year round, but it is most often in spring or early summer, with gestation lasting two months and producing an average of two-three pups. The pups and mother spend the days in a den known as a holt, emerging for food and swimming lessons as these new-born pups are not natural swimmers.

UCC Natural Collections
