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Whatever it costs? Development of EU's approach to bank recapitalisation Dr Elise Lefevre & Dr Jonathan McCarthy

18 May 2023

Join us for a research seminar on at 3 pm in Aras na Laoi, room 1.64. Dr Elise Lefeuvre, affiliated to UCC as honorary faculty, and Dr Jonathan McCarthy, Lecturer at UCC School of Law, assess sthe implication of crisis for the present EU legal framework and focus on the results of the Irish example of recapitalising banks during the crisis. This offers the opportunity to critically asses the viability of the EU's new approach for the current pressures on the global banking system. 

The research presentation will expand on recent published work by both, such as "An Emergency of Banking and of Law: The Resonlution of Anglo Irish Bank (2023) Irish Judicial Studies Journal ( and "Lessons for a Model of Work-Out Agency in the EU: The Irish Example of NAMA (2022) 37 (5) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation (available from the Westlaw (UK) database at UCC). 

The speakers will make slides available to those interested. Please register your interest with 

School of Law

Scoil an Dlí

Room 1.63, Aras na Laoi, T12 T656
