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Register Now: EU Law Lecture Series (Semester 2)

7 Feb 2023

The Centre for European Integration at UCC is proud to announce another issue of its EU law lecture series. 


The Centre for European Integration @UCC is proud to announce another issue of its EU law lecture series, covering themes from the EU as a global digital actor (Prof Elaine Fahey City University London, UK), the future of the EU’s demoicracy (Prof Robert Schütze, Durham University, UK), a book launch of “Russia’s War against Europe” by Dr Luigi Lonardo (UCC Ireland), presented by Prof Roman Petrov (Kiyv Mohyla Akademi Law School, Kiev, Ukraine), EU Citizen Status after “Brexit” (Prof Eleanor Spaventa, Bocconi University, Italy) and a critical analysis of the GC ruling on freedom of expression and Russia Today (Dr Sara Poli, University of Pisa, Italy).

Each lecture lasts approximately one hour, and is either online only or hybrid.

We invite participation by all who are interested, and hope for interdisciplinary debate. Register by emailing or on Eventbrite

 Full Schedule below: 

'The EU as a Global Digital Actor' Elaine Fahey

15 February . 15.00 - 16.00, North Wing Council Room, UCC Campus


'Demoicracy' Robert Schütze

22 February, 12.00 - 13.00, Online


Book launch of 'Russia's 2022 war against Ukraine and the foreign policy reaction of the EU' by Luigi Lonardo with Roman Petrov

7 March, 18.00 - 19.30, UCC Main Campus (Venue TBC)


'A Fundamental Status - Until the Leave Vote?' EU Citizen Status after 'Brexit', Eleanor Spaventa

22 March 12.00 - 13.00, Online


'Restricting the Right to Freedom of Information through Restrictive Measures: the ruling of the General Court in Russia Today France' , Sara Poli

5 April 14.00 - 15.00, Online

School of Law

Scoil an Dlí

Room 1.63, Aras na Laoi, T12 T656
