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Law graduate, Judge Helen Boyle, honored by UCC

8 Apr 2022

Congratulations to UCC Law alumna, Judge Helen Boyle, who was awarded an Alumni Achievement Award alongside four other trailblazing alumni on Friday, 8 April 2022 in the Aula Maxima UCC

An accomplished lawyer and Circuit Court judge, Judge Helen Boyle graduated with a BCL and LLB from UCC’s School of Law in 1992 and 1993 respectively. Judge Boyle practised as a barrister at the Cork Bar prior to her appointment as a judge. Since her appointment to the Circuit Court in 2020, she has made significant impacts in her field.

“I am very grateful to UCC for this award. I loved my time in UCC and appreciate the opportunities I was given there. I had the chance to learn law in a friendly and inspiring faculty. I had the opportunity to join clubs and societies, to learn how to debate and be sent to intervarsities to compete on behalf of the university. I made lifelong friends there and learned that it is important to participate as fully as one can in college life. I realise that it was a privilege to study in UCC and I brought what I had learned with me as I progressed through life and work” stated her Honour Judge Boyle.

Judge Boyle served as Chairperson of the Mental Health and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunals. She acted as junior counsel to a number of inquiries and commissions of investigation, including the Commission of Investigations to the Leas Cross Nursing Home, Dean Lyons Case and the Preliminary Investigation into Certain Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Ferns.

Her contribution to the cultural and commercial life of Cork City is also noteworthy - she is former Chair of Cork International Film Festival and former Director of the Port of Cork.

These awards are one of the highest accolades given by the university. President of UCC, Professor John O’Halloran commended the awardees “It is an honour to recognise these five UCC alumni who have made real impact in careers, changing lives and our society for the better. We are very proud that our alumni have been generous and impactful in securing a better life for our citizens and our planet.”



School of Law

Scoil an Dlí

Room 1.63, Aras na Laoi, T12 T656
