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Dear Colleagues, 

Welcome to the September 2022 edition of the IT Services newsletter and I hope you will find the contents of this edition useful and relevant to your role. It has been great to see our physical campus so full of life and active with students and staff, and our digital campus has remained busy and active.

1 minute read
22 Sep 2022

In this edition we share an overview of the Student IT Services we provide, an update on the Digital Advisory Centre, we cover the success of Canvas Catalog which has led to UCC being the largest user in Europe of the service. We have details on our desk to dock offer, some information to support you with hybrid meetings and details about Cyber Awareness month in October. This newsletter also brings colleagues attention to UCC’s new survey tool - Qualtrics, and finally our staff spotlight is on Stephen Bean, University Cameraman.

We hope you find the contents of our newsletter useful and informing, and we welcome your feedback on what you’d like to see in future editions, please contact our newsletter editor Deirdre Keane with your suggestions and feedback.

Pictured; Dr Gerard Culley, Director of IT Services UCC. Photo credit: Tomas Tyner


IT Services Newsletter

IT Services, Kane Building, UCC,
