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October is Cyber Security Month

October is Cyber Security month, a global event with the aim of raising awareness of cyber security threats, to promote cyber security among organisations and the general public, and to provide resources to protect themselves online, through education and sharing of good practices. 

2 minute read
22 Sep 2022

In University College Cork, our IT Security team have pulled together a series of on-campus and online events for UCC staff to promote cyber security awareness and answer questions staff have about cyber security. In addition, the important topic of technology assisted abuse will be discussed at our opening event on 7th October. Our events will include IT Security talks, a phishing simulation, training on how to work safely online and a chance to win a Chromebook.  We would enourage staff, from novice to IT professional, to attend and participate in our events over Cyber Security month.

We will also be sharing cyber security tips on twitter @UCCITServices over the month.   

Find a summary below of what is happening over Cyber Security Month and visit our SharePoint site to learn more and to BOOK YOUR PLACE for any of our events. 

Image: Details of IT Services Cyber Security Month, visit for more information

IT Services Newsletter

IT Services, Kane Building, UCC,
