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Update on our Commitment to Sustainability in UCC

In the December 2021 edition of our newsletter we shared how IT Services are working towards a Sustainable Future in UCC. In this edition we wanted to share an update on how we continue to work on our sustainability commitments. Including our partnership with Dell Technologies on building more efficient and sustainable digital services, the procurement of 2 ebikes to manage and support both on and off campus locations, responsible recycling with Wisetek and our work on UCC Sustainable Futures with Microsoft.

2 minute read
14 Dec 2022

Dell Technologies Ireland did a case study with UCC and IT Services in August. A partnership focused on building the digital services we need without costing the earth. The video case study shares how UCC’s clear sustainability and energy goals delivered significant energy savings for our campus.  

A video case study with Dell Technologies Ireland and IT Services in UCC


Two Kriedler Eco 8 electric bikes were purchased in September. These bikes have proven very useful in a very short time. Faults around and off-campus can be attended to quicker than by going in a car or van. Parking is not an issue with an e-bike and it’s great to stretch the legs and get a bit of exercise too. To date both bikes have clocked up over 400km – that’s the equivalent of cycling from Cork to Donegal! And of course this is all benefiting our carbon footprint.

Pictured L-R; Brian Bugler and James Barry using the eBikes on campus.

The Circular Economy

UCC will be announcing a new IT equipment disposal service for the removal and sanitisation of data for old computer equipment in the New Year. General Services will arrange for the collection of old equipment and the devices will be sent to 3rd party for data sanitisation and the equipment will be repurposed or disposed of, where appropriate.

UCC Sustainable Futures

UCC has launched the Sustainable Futures project. The Sustainable Futures project is led by UCC in collaboration with Maynooth University and Atlantic Technological University. Microsoft is a leading industry partner. This project will bring sustainability into the curriculum in UCC through new educational programmes. IT Services is supporting this project and also engaging with sustainability stakeholders across campus to further explore sustainability offerings from Microsoft, such as the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability.






IT Services Newsletter

IT Services, Kane Building, UCC,
