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On Campus Events Semester 1 - We are UCC

With a host of We are UCC on campus events, IT Services organised and were part of some of these events in Semester 1. Events IT Servces were part of include; The Good Practice Symposium, President's Orientation Cafe and Equality Week.  We also ran a series of events for Cyber Security Awareness month and hosted HEAnet in UCC as part of their customer focused in person series of events.

2 minute read
13 Dec 2022

The Good Practice Symposium was organised by The Quality Enhancement Unit in October. The symposium was open to all UCC staff and students and aimed to highlight the great work that is carried out by the UCC community and to share instances of Good Practice from which others can learn from.  Noelette Hurley represented IT Services and showcased "Securing UCC’s data and information landscape" at the symposium. 

President's Orientation Cafe. Irina Fernandes & Caoimhe Gannon represented IT Services at the President’s Orientation Café in November. This event, ran by Staff Wellbeing & Development, aims to introduce staff to the wider range of services available across campus.

Equality Week: EDI Soapbox. The IT Services Inclusivity Committee presented on Good EDI Practice at the EDI Soapbox event November. Noelette Hurley represented the Inclusivity Committee at the event.  This was one of many events organised by the EDI Unit for Equality Week.

Pictured: Top L-R: Noelette Hurley presenting at the EDI Soapbox event. Noelette Hurley at the Good Practice Symposium. Bottom: L-R: Irina Fernandes and Caoimhe Gannon at the President's Orientation Cafe (mobile phone camera image).

HEAnet Meet Our Subject Matter Experts in UCC. 

In November HEAnet, who deliver high-speed internet connectivity and ICT shared services to all levels of the Irish education sector, hosted their Meet Our Subject Matter Experts event in UCC.  IT Services were delighted to both host and attend this informative and engaging event in UCC.

Pictures: Attendees at the HEAnet meet the subject matters expert event in UCC.

Cyber Security Awareness Month. 

October was Cyber Security Awareness month, where we ran 8 events - 4 on campus events and 4 online.  Almost 400 staff members engaged with at least one Cyber Security Awareness month event.  You can read more about Cyber Security Awareness month in this edition of our newsletter.

Pictured IT Security Team at our closing event. L-R: Barry Foley, Ruth Butler and Katie Horgan.



IT Services Newsletter

IT Services, Kane Building, UCC,
