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Past Conferences

Treaty Ports Conference, 28-29 November 2008 The Seventieth Anniversary of the Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1938

10 Nov 2008
Treaty Ports Conference, 28-29 November 2008 The Seventieth Anniversary of the Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1938

The History Department marks this momentous event with a conference in UCC on Friday-Saturday 28-29 November. Admission Free – All Welcome  Full Programme and Venues Below in PDF document

Treaty Ports Conference

Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1938 – Seventieth Anniversary


The 1938 Anglo-Irish Agreement ended the ‘Economic War’ and returned the ‘Treaty Ports’ to Ireland.

The History Department marks this momentous event with a conference in UCC on Friday-Saturday 28-29 November.


Admission Free – All Welcome  Full Programme and Venues Below


Organiser – Dr Andrew McCarthy, History Department, Tel 4903584


Conference Speakers Include : -


Dr Kate O’Malley    Dr Michael Kennedy  Dr Martin Mansergh    Dr Gerard Hogan   Dr Jonathan Bardon   Prof Eunan O’Halpin            




Other Speakers: -   Professor Dermot Keogh,Dr Donal Ó Drisceoil, Dr Mervyn O’Driscoll, Commandant Liam Campbell, Commandant (AR) Thomas O’Neill, Colonel Maurice Walsh



Full Conference Programme


Friday 28 November

Venue - Council Room


6.15- 7.30pm – Session I- Chair Professor Dermot Keogh


6.15pm – Professor Dermot Keogh – Conference Opening


6.20pm – Dr Andrew McCarthy – Context and Setting for 1938 Agreements


6.40pm – Dr Kate O’Malley – Ireland and India: Intra-imperial backdrop to the Anglo-Irish Agreement 1938


7.30pm – Close of First Session

Saturday 29 November

Venue  - Brookfield BHSC_G04

9.15am – 11-am Session II  Chair  Professor Eunan O’Halpin 

Dr Donál Ó Drisceoil - From Dungloe to Downing Street: the politics of the land annuites

Dr Mervyn O’Driscoll – Nazi Germany and the International Factor in the Anglo-Irish Negotiations

Dr Michael Kennedy - The Treaty Ports as a geopolitical and international relations issue


11-11-30am - Break


11.30 – 12.45  - Session III  Chair  - Professor David Gwynn Morgan


Dr Gerard HoganThe Anglo-Irish Agreement (1938) and the Constitution (1937)

Professor Eunan O’Halpin – Intelligence and Post-colonial Politics


12.45pm  - 2.00 pm Lunch


2.00 – 3.00pm –  Session IV – Chair – Professor Dermot Keogh

Dr Jonathan Bardon – Ulster is not for sale’: Northern Ireland and the 1938 Anglo-Irish Treaty

Dr Martin Mansergh  - The 1938 Agreement in the context of Anglo-Irish Agreements


3.00pm – 3.15pm – Short Break


3.15-4.45pm Session V – Chair – Commandant Victor Laing

Commandant Liam Campbell - The military significance of the return of the Treaty Ports

Commandant (AR) Thomas O’Neill – Spike Island 1800 – 2008

Colonel Maurice Walsh – Spike Island Memoirs


4.45pm – Conference closing - Prof D Keogh

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
