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Past Conferences

Ireland and Rome: Some Historical Perspectives

15 Dec 2008
Ireland and Rome: Some Historical Perspectives

A seminar organised by the Department of History, University College Cork and hosted by the Pontifical Irish College, Rome.

Monday 15 December 2008

Organized by Dr. Damian Bracken

A seminar organised by the Department of History,

University College Cork and hosted by the

Pontifical Irish College, Rome.

Monday 15 December 2008



The conference will be held at Pontificio Collegio Irlandese, Via dei Santi Quattro, 1 - 00184 Rome. Those wishing to attend are invited to contact Dr Damian Bracken, Department of History, University College Cork, Ireland; Telephone 00353 – 21 – 490 2950; email



Welcome: Monsignor Liam Bergin Rector, Pontifical Irish College


Dr Damian Bracken, Department of History, UCC

”The People of the Lord”: Patrick, Rome, and the Irish’


Dr Diarmuid Scully, Department of History, UCC

‘Ireland, Rome, and the first Christmas’


Dr Jason Harris, Department of History, UCC

‘Patrick and Rome in Post-Reformation Ireland’

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
