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Past Event: Activating EU rights globally – legal mobilization in third countries - 14 April 2023 - 10am - 3pm

14 Apr 2023

This event will look at whether it is possible to theorise the role of rights in EU foreign policy, thus contributing, from a legal perspective, to political science literature. It will focus on non-EU countries outside the European Neighbourhood Policy. 

Panel 1: Setting the stage  (10-11:15 GMT)

Chair Dagmar Schiek (University College Cork)

Luigi Lonardo (University College Cork): Rights, interests, and values in EU external relations law. 

Mark Konstantinidis (King’s College London): My rights’ keeper? EU enforcement of fundamental rights compliance in third countries

Discussant: Enzo Cannizzaro (Università Sapienza)


Panel 2: Activation through litigation (11:30 - 12:45 GMT)

Chair: Peter Van Elsuwege (University of Ghent)

Francesca Finelli (University of Luxembourg): EU sanctions – the litigation in third countries

Reingard Zimmer (Berlin School of Economics and Law): Activation of social chapters in EU trade agreements

Discussant: Virginia Passalacqua (University of Turin)


Panel 3: Activation not through litigation (13:00-14:15 GMT) 

Chair: Andrew Cottey (University College Cork)

Benedetta Voltolini (King’s College London): Activation of EU rights abroad: lobbying and boycott campaigns

Yuliya Kaspiarovich (University of Groningen): How the Swiss system of direct democracy affects ‘activation of rights’

Discussant: Simon Schunz (College of Europe)


Q&A (14:15 -15:00 GMT) 


Please visit Eventbrite to register for this event. 



EU Integration and Citizens' Rights

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Áras na Laoi, School of Law, University College Cork, T12 T656
