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Call for Papers! The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, 'EU Integration and Citizens' Rights' invites researchers to submit papers on aspects of upcoming seminar 'Citizens' (free) Movement and the EU Neighbourhood - Northern Ireland (UK) and Ukraine'

12 Jan 2023

For this seminar we invite papers on all aspects of the theme , 'Citizens' (free) Movement and the EU Neighbourhood - Northern Ireland (UK) and Ukraine'.

Questions to be considered include but are not limited to: - Electronic Travel Authorisations on the island of Ireland and citizens’ rights under the Protocol and the Trade and Co-Operation Agreement - Moving from the Ukraine to the EU- is the Association Agreement a sufficient basis for war refugees? - How will future conflicts over dual Russian and Ukrainian citizenship and territory impact on Ukraine’s application to the European Union? - Can the EU neighbourhood accommodate integration beyond trade? - Movement based on trade in services and establishment- compromising or supporting citizens’ rights? Selected papers will be edited and published in the centre’s online paper series.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is 28th February 2023. 

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, 'EU Integration and Citizens' Rights' invites researchers to submit papers on aspects of the theme 'Citizens' (free) Movement and the EU Neighbourhood - Northern Ireland (UK) and Ukraine. 

Held on the 5th July 2023 ,Professor Dagmar Schiek and Dr Mary C. Murphy (both University College Cork) will be chairing the Seminar. Keynote speakers include Dr Anthony Soares (Centre of Cross Border Studies and Queen’s University Belfast) and Dr Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva (associate Prof EU Law Department, Ivan Franko National University Lviv) Funding may be provided for one or more speakers to attend this event (It will also be in hybrid format). Participation is free of charge and the working language is English. 

Deadline for submission of abstracts is 28th February 2023. 

Full details can be found here: Call for Papers Citizen's Free Movement Rights


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EU Integration and Citizens' Rights

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Áras na Laoi, School of Law, University College Cork, T12 T656
