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Dispersed settlement patterns can hinder the net-zero transition: Evidence from Ireland.

Limiting the growth of final energy demand helps meet the steep greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction trajectories required to address climate change, and can also bring wider sustainability benefits. Integrated Assessment Modelling (IAM) and energy systems modelling analyses are increasingly including low energy demand (LED) measures in GHG mitigation scenarios, but their granularity and empirical basis is typically low, limiting actionable insights. Here, we contribute to addressing this gap by examining the role of spatial settlement patterns as a driver of energy service demand, particularly in the transport and residential sectors. We focus on Ireland, which has enacted ambitious decarbonisation commitments in law, that are challenging to deliver partially due to a large proportion of the population living in rural one-off housing.


Ankita Gaur, Jason McGuire, Vera O’Riordan, John Curtis, Hannah Daly

Journal Name
Energy Strategy Reviews
Journal Article
Decarbonisation, Ireland, Net Zero, Energy Systems, Energy Modelling, Climate Change
Full Citation

Ankita Singh Gaur, Jason Mc Guire, O’Riordan, V., Curtis, J. and Daly, H. (2023). Dispersed Settlement Patterns Can Hinder the Net-Zero Transition: Evidence from Ireland. doi:

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We perform exploratory data analysis to estimate the mathematical relationship between various energy service demands and the dispersal of population, and calculate the energy service demand level and CO2 emissions per capita at various population densities. We also review the indirect impact spatial settlement patterns have on climate mitigation, via the viability of enabling low-carbon infrastructure. We find that higher density settlement patterns are associated with lower energy service demands and greater potential for infrastructure to enable the low carbon transition. 

Energy Policy and Modelling Group

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork, Ireland T23 XE10 ,
