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Impact of an emissions-based car tax policy on CO2 emissions and tax revenue from private cars in Ireland

This article assesses private car CO2 emissions and car tax revenue in Ireland over the 10-year period following the introduction of an emissions-based car taxation policy in 2008. This article assesses private car CO2 emissions and car tax revenue in Ireland over the 10-year period following the introduction of an emissions-based car taxation policy in 2008. We build on a model of the Irish car stock, which has new car sales, car fleet mileage, and CO2 emissions intensity data to develop a bottom-up picture of historic CO2 emissions from the car fleet. In this article, we develop a counterfactual scenario following car purchasing trends in EU countries that did not introduce an emissions-based purchase and annual car taxes over the same period.


Vera O'Riordan, Brian Ó Gallachóir, Fionn Rogan, Hannah Daly

Journal Name
International Journal of Sustainable Transport
Journal Article
Irish Car Stock Model, Emissions, Transport, Private Cars, Tax, Regulations


Full Citation

O’Riordan, V., Rogan, F., Ó’Gallachóir, B. and Daly, H. (2022). Impact of an emissions-based car tax policy on CO2 emissions and tax revenue from private cars in Ireland. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, pp.1–13. doi:

Link to Publication


This article assesses private car CO2 emissions and car tax revenue in Ireland over the 10-year period following the introduction of an emissions-based car taxation policy in 2008. 

Energy Policy and Modelling Group

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork, Ireland T23 XE10 ,
