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TIM modelling pathways to meet Irelands long term energy system challenges with the TIMES Ireland Model

Energy systems optimisation modelling (ESOM) is a widely used tool to inform pathways to address long-term energy challenges. This article describes a new ESOM developed to inform Ireland's energy system decarbonisation challenge.


Olexandr Balyk, James Glynn, Vahid Aryanpur, Jason McGuire, Andrew Smith, Xiufend Yue, Hannah Daly

Journal Name
Geoscientific Model Development
Journal Article
Energy Modelling, TIMES Ireland Model, Least Cost Optimisation, Energy Transition, Climate Policy
Full Citation

Balyk, O., Glynn, J., Aryanpur, V., Gaur, A., McGuire, J., Smith, A., Yue, X. and Daly, H. (2022). TIM: modelling pathways to meet Ireland’s long-term energy system challenges with the TIMES-Ireland Model (v1.0). Geoscientific Model Development, [online] 15(12), pp.4991–5019. doi:

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The TIMES-Ireland Model (TIM) is an optimisation model of the Irish energy system, which calculates the cost-optimal fuel and technology mix to meet future energy service demands in the transport, buildings, industry, and agriculture sectors, while respecting constraints in greenhouse gas emissions, primary energy resources, and feasible deployment rates.

Energy Policy and Modelling Group

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork, Ireland T23 XE10 ,
