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Low energy demand scenario for feasible deep decarbonisation-whole energy systems modelling for Ireland

The Irish Low Energy Demand (ILED) mitigation narrative is developed and applied to the TIMES-Ireland Model (TIM), an energy systems optimisation model. ILED represents a scenario where ESDs are decoupled from economic growth by shifting travel, increasing end-use efficiency, densifying urban settlement, focusing on low-energy intensive economic activities and changing social infrastructure. 


Ankita Gaur, Olexandr Balyk, James Glynn, John Curtis, Hannah Daly

Journal Name
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition
Journal Article
Low Energy Demand Scenario, Energy Systems Modelling Ireland, Decarbonisation, Mitigation, Pathways, Emissions

Platform RA6b PhD

Full Citation

Gaur, A., Balyk, O., Glynn, J., Curtis, J. and Daly, H. (2022). Low energy demand scenario for feasible deep decarbonisation: Whole energy systems modelling for Ireland. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition, p.100024. doi:

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Typically, energy system decarbonisation scenarios neglect the mitigation opportunities from reducing and restructuring energy service demands (ESDs), focusing instead on technology and fuel substitutions. Models tend to be designed to factor technologies explicitly while ESDs are exogenous. Ireland, the subject of this paper, has legislated one of the most ambitious decarbonisation targets in the world: the need to understand the role of demand shift is paramount.

Energy Policy and Modelling Group

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork, Ireland T23 XE10 ,
