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Achieving the unprecedented: Modelling diffusion pathways for ambitious climate policy targets

Ireland has some very bold targets, as part of a substantial overall greenhouse gas emissions reduction ambition. It is unclear however to what extent these targets are consistent with the pace at which new technologies can enter the market and become widely adopted. This paper grapples with this by combining well-respected and empirically validated estimates of technology diffusion together with energy models.


Tomás Mac Uidhir, Brian Ó Gallachóir, John Curtis, Fionn Rogan.

Journal Name
Energy and Climate Change
Journal Article
Energy Transition, Climate Policy, Ireland, Retrofit, EV's, Technology Policy Solutions, Climate Change


Full Citation

Uidhir, T.M., Gallachóir, B.Ó., Curtis, J. and Rogan, F. (2022). Achieving the unprecedented: modelling diffusion pathways for ambitious climate policy targets. Energy and Climate Change, p.100073. doi:

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Ireland has some very bold targets, as part of a substantial overall greenhouse gas emissions reduction ambition. It is unclear however to what extent these targets are consistent with the pace at which new technologies can enter the market and become widely adopted. This paper grapples with this by combining well-respected and empirically validated estimates of technology diffusion together with energy models. Its purpose is to illuminate some of Ireland's challenges associated with meeting these targets.

Energy Policy and Modelling Group

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork, Ireland T23 XE10 ,
